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Leo Soderman

Writer, Photographer, Voice Actor, Dad

First Workout

Date: 8/11/24

Time: 16:30

Discipline: Bike

Length: 30 mIns
Actual Length: 30:23 mins
Distance: 6.7 mi.

Workout Description:

Bike 30 minutes
Do this on flatter terrain.

Complete entire 30 minutes at easy to moderate effort

Notes and Thoughts

Pre-workout: I felt ok this morning. My blood pressure did not give me any issues, and I had minimal light-headedness, usually when changing positions (laying to seated, seated to standing), but it resolved fairly quickly. Good protein intake by about noon

Post-workout: Huzzah! This is the first workout that I was able to complete in its entirety! There were no issues. There was a slight burn in the quads in the first 4 minutes, then a steady pace for the remainder. I am much happier with this result! My next workout is a modified run on 8/12 (tomorrow).