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Leo Soderman

Writer, Photographer, Voice Actor, Dad

Week 1  -Workout 2

Date: 8/5/24

Time: 20:00

Discipline: Bike

Length: 30 mIns
Actual Length: 6:37 mins
Distance: 1.4 mi.

Workout Description:

Bike 30 mins
Do this on flatter terrain.

Complete the entire 30 mins @ easy to moderate effort

Notes and Thoughts

Pre-workout: I was thinking this was going to be the more comfortable workout this week. Oops

Post-workout: I still did not feel great. I had a stomach ache, felt a little nauseous, and was light-headed, but I wanted to start making this a habit. 

I climbed on the bike and started pedaling with the resistance set low. I felt okay for about three minutes. And then… not so much. There wasn't any specific problem; I just didn't feel great or, frankly, even good. I got in a total of about 6.5 minutes and called it quits. My thighs tightened up as the evening wore on.

The next workout is run again on 8/8. Goal is to do at least 12 minutes (the last was 10)