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Leo Soderman

Writer, Photographer, Voice Actor, Dad

Why Now?

It's a fair question.

Why, at 59 years of age, have I suddenly decided I should go out and train for a triathlon? Sounds crazy, right?

First, I was watching the Paris Olympic Games, and I loved watching the triathlon. You're racing others, but it is more about testing yourself. I'm not looking to run an Ironman. The distance I want to run is considered a sprint, usually about 1000-1500m swimming, 25-40km on a bike, and a 10k run.

It won't be my first time. I ran one way back in the late 20th century, but I wasn't prepared. This time, I'm doing the work.

But why? Why did watching the sport on TV make me decide to try again? Frankly, I know I'm getting older. I've had a triple bypass, and although my blood sugar is under better control, it still needs work. A big impetus is that in the process of getting my A1C down, I've lost 60-65 pounds. It doesn't hurt to move like it did 18 months ago. When I tried my first outing at running this evening, I didn't feel awful, just out of shape. I could have pushed, but that's not the goal. The goal is continuing improvement. Today was 10 mins. Next run, I'll shoot for at least 12.

But another big reason is that I need to feel I have accomplished something, especially something many think I can't do. When I was younger, telling me something couldn't be done was a sure way to get me to prove you wrong. Somewhere, I lost that fire. But this idea seems to be lighting a fire under me a bit. And posting workouts and thoughts like this let me shrew the journey.

I need something to shoot for. I've been looking for jobs recently, and it's amazing how many interviews I have not gotten or phone calls I have not had to field. I want to contribute to the household, but it seems I'm not hireable, which dings my self-esteem. So, I'll do something that boosts it.

I've given myself plenty of time to achieve it; who knows, I may hit my goal ahead of schedule. But if I can run a triathlon before I turn 65, I can say, “I DID IT.” And that's something no one can take away from me.

What are you working on? What's lighting your fire?
