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Leo Soderman

Writer, Photographer, Voice Actor, Dad

First Workout

Date: 8/5/24

Time: 20:00

Discipline: Run

Length: 20 mIns
Actual Length: 10 mins
Distance: .86 mi.

Workout Description:

Run/Walk 20 minutes
Do this on flatter terrain.

Complete this as 5 rounds alternating 2 minutes
run @ Z2 (moderate effort) with 2 minutes walk recovery.

Notes and Thoughts

Pre-workout: Workouts are based on a beginner plan to prepare someone to run their first triathlon in 8 weeks. I am dramatically extending this to 48 months, at least for now. So, each week in the plan is six months in my plan. For example, I will repeat the first week's workouts 26 times before I move on. It is nice and easy to start and to make sure my body is good and ready. In addition, swimming will not take place until after rotator cuff surgery, which will hopefully happen by the end of the year and be followed by 6-12 months of rehab.

Post-workout: It was not a great day to start. I woke up with a headache, dizziness, nausea, and low blood pressure. I was more than likely dehydrated, or at least so I thought. But after consuming a fair bit of liquid, I still felt the same. Did I mention it was in triple digits here today? 

Nevertheless, I persisted. 

I waited until the temps cooled off and a couple of hours after dinner to go out and try the workout. I made it through three walk cycles and two run cycles before the air coming in started to hurt my throat. That, and my left knee started to complain. So I cut it short, basically in half. It felt okay, but I didn't want to push too hard and start to hate workouts (running is my least favorite).

Tomorrow is the bike, and I'll do it on a stationary bike in the garage. 

It's not the best start, but it's a start.